Magic Mountain

Saturday October 6th me, my mom, my dad, and 2 of my dad's friends went to Magic Mountain. It was SO fun! As soon as we got there we went on like the the scariest ride there! It was called Goliath. We also went on Colossus. That is a picture of me on it. I screamed a lot. But my favorite one of all was VIPER. It was just this roller coaster that as soon as you go down the big drop you twist and go upside down than basically you do that the whole time. If we tried to get a picture of me on viper the camera would have fallen of the roller coaster. We did many other ones to. I can not write about them all. We had such a great time!!
Hey Nick.. In the second picture, is that a giant stick coming out of your nose? That must have hurt!!
Andy (Sam's Dad)
I love the stories and the fact that you got to go with all of the BIG guys. I know you had a wonderful time and the look on your face in each of the pictures tells it all.
Love you!
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